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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

[ Rain United Football Challenge Trophy 2006 ]

Rain United will be hosting an 11 a-side football tournament named "Rain United Football Challenge Trophy 2006" to be held at Rain United CCK homeground every Saturday 0830am - 1030am during July & August 2006.

Rain United has invited 3 other teams to play in the friendly tournament with the top 2 teams after the round robin pitting against each other in the final.

Each team will play in the 90 minutes game with 3 points awarded to the winner, 1 point for a draw and 0 point for lost. The top 2 teams with the most number of points qualifies for the finals.

The participating teams and the fixtures will be announced when it is finalised. Prior to the tournament, team captains and representatives from represented teams will be invited for a meeting to discuss the tournament rules and official introductions to one another.

 Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

[ Team Management Members ]

Rain United is pleased to announce the team management members to inculcate public and team members to undermine team conhesion, effectiveness and leadership through healthy football

Head Coach - Sabastian Tan

Fitness Trainer - Thit Lwin

Equipment Controller - Thit Lwin / Leonard Tan

Treasurer/Attendees - Cao Yuan

 Tuesday, April 25, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006

[ Impossible is Nothing ]

Raymond - I was pacing Raymond on our usual Saturday's warming-up session when through conversations, Raymond mentioned that he used to weigh a chubby 85.0kg and has now reached the scale at 75.0kg. I was told that his parents & "love ones" also felt very encouraged with his football progress.

Raymond, generally our "vain pot", used to be sloppy and sluggish with his fitness. I have to admit that I was "blunt" to him. With the minimal once a week training, over the last couple of months, Raymond is an example and a good "lessons learnt" for me. Apart from his late developing of his football game, through his perseverence, endurance, dedication, discipline and the believe in himself, he has trimmed down his weight, worked on his fitness and is beginning to kick and enjoy the game better.

I was generally happy upon hearing about his comments as I knew Raymond has been very supportive of the team and his teammates. He wasn't fielded in previous friendly matches, I ran alongside him almost every week, I pushed him, he wasn't demoralised. Instead, he has shown his nerve of steel and at the same time, kept up with the team spirit and support. I believed in him.

Jia He - Before we commenced on our 2 aside after our fitness run, I went up to Jia He, (the team's quietest) and told him that I liked what he had performed on his football play the previous week and the effort he has put into sharpening his ball controls and releasing of the ball. Jia He replied when during open play, besides controling the ball well, he pushes himself into the penalty box area sloted in his first goal. I was most willingly to run to him for a "Hi-5" which was dedicated to his confidence. Cheers Jia He!

 Monday, April 24, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

[ Team & Players' Assessment ]

The team and players' assessement were conducted over the training session on 15/04/2006.

To start off with, Alvin will be leaving Singapore to further his studies in Canada. We looked forward in seeing a stronger and fitter Alvin when he comes back in a year's time. Ah Long has enlisted himself as an army regular but will continue to join us if time allows. It has been a lot of good fun having the both of them in the team and I sincerely wish them our warm wishes on behalf on Rain United. It was great when Alvin wanted to keep the team jersey number with him. Alvin may not have the best football abilities or character, but he has been a good guy. The team will miss him somehow.

Over the last few months, it has been a pleasure to see the team blending together as one. It was never easy. Training was progressing with players encouraging one another. The players put in tremendous effort in wanting to play football together and more importantly kept themselves with healthy lifestyle. They worked hard on their fitness, the first-timers gave themselves a chance to blend as one, everyone seems positive! There were lots of laughter and arguments - but it all went on well. We go through ups and downs.

Both the team and individual's strengths and weaknesses were addressed. Players were cultivated to play the game and work as a team -win or lose. The "2 seconds" passes and crosses are currently our focus. The team has improved on the spread plays, throw-ins, corners and long range shooting at goal. We are still trying. On the field, the players are working on field chemistry so that there is integrating play and understanding of each other's play. It is not easy but it's important. I am confident, with the players' positive attitude and higher fitness level, given time, it will bring them to a higher level. I have been crititical of some players on their lacked of fitness or their field behavior, and there were signs of encouragements. I know they are trying. Keep up the good work guys!

 Monday, April 17, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

[ Happy Birthday Max! ]

It was Max's birthday. We had our routine training session in the morning with our "birthday song and greetings". Max scored a rare goal in 7 a-side play that day.

After the training session, Max and the team-mates gathered together for buffet lunch at the Ngee Ann City. I was encouraged to see the large turnout when I joined them later in the evening.

We roamed about the Orchard Road arena with lots of "clean buaya" fun and "birds" watching. When we went by Orchard Cineplex, there was a 3 on 3 football event going on. It was the "Joga Bonito" football, which we played the previous week.

The organizers immediately recognises Rain United members when they saw us. More football soon went by. Calvin, Kenny and Leonard formed a team and started playing. The rest of the team members were at their usual support with plenty of "woos" and "cheers".

It lasted for hours. Calvin, Kenny and Leonard were almost unbeatable throughout. The statistics stands at Played 24, Won 20, Drew 2, Lost 2. The event committees were impressed with Rain.

A very good outing, thanks to Max's invitation. After all these months, I finally got to speak to the team's other "Leonard" - Jia He, who supposedly was the team quiestest. I was happy to see him with the "buayas". It was encouraging. I got to know the team better and better. Cheers guys!

 Tuesday, April 11, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

[ 7 A-Side Football Tournament ]

Tournament : CCK Cup Challenge (7 A-Side)
Date : 17th & 18th June 2006
Time : 0800 - 1700 hrs
Venue : CCK Pitch

Rain United will be invited as "guests" and has been asked to field 2 teams for the forthcoming tournament. Each team will comprise 10 players. The final team players involved will be be announced prior to the tournament. The top 3 teams in the tournament will be awarded with prizes and trophys.

7 a-side football involves speed, fitness, tactics and teamwork perform over 7 minutes each half altogether. We will focus and commence our training with effective from May. I am working out on our fitness and speed level. Only the best will be fielded. It will be assess based on discipline, training progress, fitness, speed, focus, team play and attendance. No one has a guranteed slot for now.

The players will stick to the same line-ups that was previously announced with the players as follows:-

Rain United Team A
Leonard / Max / Long / Zai / Yan Shun / Kenny / Chee Khin / Jason / Jia He / Tim Loong / Alvin / Sabastian

Rain United Team B
Wee Kiong / Nigel / Wei Da / Calvin / Shaun / Fahmi / Tony / Keng Yong / Raymond / Randy / Cai Quan

 Friday, April 07, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

[ Players' Performance Review ]

6 months has passed and the players PPR has been evaluted. All individual will be handed a copy of their peformances, to understand their strengths and weaknesses. The PPR does not include the PHASE II of the evaluations which comprises the fitness test, which will takes place during the last quarter of the year.

Player's are encouraged to work on their weaknesses but at the same time maintain their strengths to keep up with their team spirits. The PPR are based on the individual's' football abilities - whether you are a self-starter or developer.

On top of the individual assessment which is formulate that is based on your soccer technical, tactical and physical abilities, here are some of the overall team performance till date which is purely based on football criterias and effort :-

Players with 100% record - 2
Players with 90% record - 9
Players with 80% record - 9
Players with 70% record - 1
Players with 60% record - 1
Overall percentage - 88.23%

Work Mentality / Personality
Players with excellent conduct - 13
Players with V.Good conduct - 6
Players with Good conduct - 3
Players with Satisfactory conduct - 0

General Conduct / Discipline
Players with excellent conduct - 11
Players with V.Good conduct - 6
Players with Good conduct - 4
Players with Satisfactory conduct - 1

Technical Abilities
Players with Ratings 6% or more - 4
Players with Ratings 5% or more - 10
Players with Ratings 4% or more - 2
Players with Ratings 3% or more - 2
Players with Ratings 2% or more - 3
Players with Ratings 1% or more - 1

Tactical Abilities
Players with Ratings 6% or more - 11
Players with Ratings 5% or more - 4
Players with ratings 4% or more - 3
Players with Ratings 3% or more - 2
Players with Ratings 2% or more - 2
Players with Ratings 1% or more - 0

Physical Abilities
Players with Ratings 6% or more - 10
Players with Ratings 5% or more - 3
Players with ratings 4% or more - 4
Players with Ratings 3% or more - 4
Players with Ratings 2% or more - 0
Players with Ratings 1% or more - 1

Ratings: 01-10

 Friday, April 07, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

[ Just for laughs ]

Dear Hokkien speaking friends, laugh until you kee siao:

Ah Lian called big brother Ah Beng over the telephone.

Lian: "Ah Beng kor, I can't get my new jig saw puzzle fixed, mah-chiam all the edges cannot fix together, lah."
Beng: "Jig saw puzzle si mi picture, ha?"
Lian: "The box show a big rooster,kanna like the one in talkingcock.com."
Beng: "Okay, lah, okay, lah. I come over to tor-long lu, lah." Ah Beng arrives at Ah Lian's place, where she happily leads him to the kitchen table where the jigsaw puzzle is. Ah Beng examines the puzzle and said, "Si ghee na, si bay gong, put back the corn flakes into the box lah."

Dr. Quek made a routine house call to Mr. Lim, one of his elderly patients. He asks, "And how are you doing today, Mr. Lim?" Mr. Lim replies, "I feel just fine, doc. But you know, it's the strangest thing. Every night when I get up to pang jio, the bathroom light goes on for me automatically when I open the door!" The doctor is worried that the old man is getting senile, so he phones the man's son, and the son's wife answers. The doctor tells her,
"Mrs. Lim, I'm a little concerned about your father-in-law. It seems that
when he gets up to urinate at night and opens the bathroom door, the light somehow goes on..." At which point, Mrs. Lim yells, "Aiyoh, Ah Seng! Ah Pa pang jio in the fridge again!"

QUESTION: How do you know frogs are Hokkien?
ANSWER : Because when it's cold, they go "kwah, kwah, kwah".

QUESTION : How do Hokkien prawns laugh?
ANSWER: Hae hae hae (hokkien for prawns)

QUESTION: How do Hokkien fish laugh?
ANSWER : Hee hee hee (hokkien for fish)

And here is a classic..............

QUESTION : What's the difference between Ang-mor and Hokkien fairy Tales?
ANSWER: Ang-mor fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time..." and Hokkien fairy tales begin with "Lim Peh ka li kong..."

 Tuesday, April 04, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

[ Jokes ]

Act 1
Ah Beng (to a long-distance telephone operator): "COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME THE TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Taipei AND Las Vegas?" Operator : "JUST A MINUTE..." Ah Beng : "THANK YOU," and puts down the phone.

Act 2
At a bar in New York, the man to Ah Beng's left tells the bartender, "JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE" and his companion says, "JACK DANIELS, SINGLE". The bartender approaches Ah Beng and asks,"AND YOU, SIR?" Ah Beng replies : "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."

Act 3
Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered, "I WAS IRONING A SHIRT AND THE PHONE RING, BUT INSTEAD OF PICKING UP THE PHONE, I ACCIDENTLY PICKED UP THE IRON AND STUCK IT TO MY EAR." "OH DEAR!" the doctor examined in disbelief. "BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER EAR?" "THAT STUPID DUMB CALLED BACK!"

Act 4
After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite sometime, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend. "IT TOOK ME ONLY 5 MONTHS TO DO IT," Ah Beng brags. "FIVE MONTHS? THAT'S TOO LONG." the friend exclaims. "YOU ARE A FOOL". Ah Beng replies, "SEE THIS BOX, IT IS WRITTEN 'FOR 4-7 YRS'."

Act 5
Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends? Because below 18 was not allowed.

Act 6
Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some problems. He decided to use the 'Help' command after some tries. Soon after he became very irritated and called the computer retailer for support. Ah Beng : "I PRESSED THE 'F1' KEY FOR HELP... BUT IT'S BEEN OVER HALF AN HOUR & STILL NOBODY HAS COME TO HELP ME...."

Act 7
Ah Beng wants to buy a TV set. He goes to a shop. Ah Beng : "Do you have color TV?" Salesgirl : "Yes!" Ah Beng : "Give me a green one, please."

Act 8
Ah Beng is filling up an application form for a job. He supplied the information for the columns on Name, Age, Address, etc. Then he comes to column on "Salary Expected", but he is not sure of the question. After much thought, he writes "Yes"

Act 9
After taking photocopies of documents, Ah Beng always compares it with the original for spelling mistakes.

Act 10
Why can't Ah Beng dial 911? Because he can't find the number 11 eleven on the phone.

Act 11
Ah Beng is dying in hospital next to a dying English-man. Both of them are in a coma when they both suddenly awake and look at each other and the English-man say "Bob" and Ah beng replies "Ah-beng" They both collapsed back into a coma... They both suddenly awake again and Bob say "London" and Ah-Beng replies "Singapore"... They both collapsed back into a coma....They both suddenly awake again and Bob say "Cancer" and Ah-Beng replies "Taurus" ... and they both die.

 Monday, April 03, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

[ FUTSAL 3 on 3 (2nd April 2006) ]

Rain United gathered at the Yew Tee Community Center for a 3 on 3 Futsal tournament. We were invited, courtesy of CCK Community Center to put up the teams to help promote awareness in the neighbourhood - We wanted to do it the best way we could. We put up 4 teams for the U18 aged group.

Our "Park-Ji-Sung" was unable to take part because of his age. It wasn't intentional as we were not told of the age criteria. It was an event that was encouraged by Singapore Sports Council jointly organized by NIKE B.I.R.D. and Weston Corporation Queensway. They wanted to identify a winning team to represent Singapore for International Futsal.

Rain United through its enterprising spirited team players turned up for the event. We were in fact the only Chinese represented teams in the tournament, with Zai as our exception. The tournament was abandoned mid-way through as there were lightning showers. It was good clean fun and exposures for the team, the way team members carried themselves. I was concerned about the lacked of security in the tournament but nevertheless, we took on our roles very well. The team shows togetherness, discipline and were "non-smokers". The game was played on small courts with plenty of physics and fitness to show but no skills.

We ended the afternoon when Mr Naga (chairman of CCK C.C.) came by and thanked the team for supporting his community. He had specially mentioned that the team discipline and professionalism (though we are an amatuer football team) impresses him. He requested Rain United Football Club to help as role models in his CCK community to promote healthy lifestyles through sports in which the following events will be held. The new Minister of CCK will be present to witness the events. Rain United with the nominated players and their talent readily agreed to form teams for the sports events.

Venue : CCK Community Center
Date/ Time : 30th April 2006 / 0800am onwards

3-On-3 Basketball Competition - Wee Kiong / Tim Loong (Rain United to put up at least 2 teams)

Frisbees - Calvin / Nigel (Special thanks to you guys)

Football Ball Controls - Rain United (All to participate)

Hula-Hoop - Proposing Randy & Raymond (Guys, team consensus?)

Prizes will be presented to the top teams / individuals.

To further create awareness for the community, I have also proposed Rain United to participate in a 20 man road relay run. We will be competing with any teams who can participate. Rain United will be presented with a finale with a BBQ party, sponsored by the community center which Mr Naga has agreed. Mr Naga has also proposed that we help to advertise the community activities in our Rain United Blogspot. I have given him our details.

 Monday, April 03, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!

[ 1st April Training Session ]

The team attendance has been excellent over the last 6 months. They have cultivated good habits in turning up early in advance to be fully attired with a "ready to go" attitude. With team briefings on previous week's performances' and expectations for the new weeks to come before embarking on our routine warm-up and physical fitness training, it makes the session a breeze.

The team kicked-off the morning with warm welcome and applause for 2 new friends, who have learnt about the training sessions and had imported themselves from Malaysia to join us. Though they came with their "colourful" African mismatched outfits and 916 "golden" emas hairstyle, they felt comfortable and were relaxed when RAIN members made them felt like one. The true spirit of Rain United.

We began with the "dos and don'ts" for the 3 on 3 futsal tournament which we were to play the next day. Both Kenny and Leonard were nominated "Player of the month" for March. Kenny was nominated as he has deligently been practicing and heeding advice on his role as a striker. His strength lies in his speed and fitness. Previously, Kenny couldn't knock in the goals as much as I wanted him to. He rectified his mistakes by not holding the ball for too long (he used to have the tendency to dribble the ball from Lot One to Causeway Point without knowing when and how to stop) but when it comes to his shooting.................., Eventually, Kenny was finally able to shoot within the "one touch" when the ball comes to him. He was knocking in the goals but at the same time did away with his weaknesses. His attendance and work rate has been excellent. Anything to do with Jasmine?

Leonard (guys, without prejudice lah, ok?) used to be reprimanded for his "playfulness" and inability to concentrate on his game. He is putting in effort in improving himself and is less talkative. He is enjoying himself with the guidance the team mates have given him. At home, he tends to get worried for his team mates especially when I am planning my "discipline" lists and has on many occasions been childed for trying to "save" team. I have to admit that I appreciate his "Emotional Intelligence" - to think of his team mates before self. It is important for players to blend in with both "EQs' and IQs". That makes a good team player.

My team of consistant players who have trained hard and maintained their standards were namely Max, Zai, Yan Shun, Long, Fahmi and Shaun. Players who is pushing themselves to improve were Tony, Randy, Alvin, Raymond, Jia He, Wei Da and Chee Khin, our Singapore idol guitarist. Chee Khin, do bring along your guitar when we organise a BBQ the next time, ok? Get the team to sing and hum along while you play the guitar. I like your shooting power but not your fitness.

Jason, Tim Loong, Wee Kiong and Cai Quan - form the putting in great effort group. Calvin and Nigel have been involved in school tournaments and were not 100% present with the team's training sessions were evaluated on "ad-hoc". I thought they have been deprieved of other "things" too, hence, their "Buaya-ness" !!!!! Keng Yong, your name wasn't there, "Prove It" ! You are my "marked" striker. Hope Kelvin has not finalised his "ITC" yet! - Intentional Transfer Certificate, not International Transfer Certificate.

There have been progress on the "throw-ins", "ball spreadings, passings and possessions" with the "system" that I have injected. Guys, loathe it, hate it, MUST do it!!! We will be focusing on the ball controls, headings and shootings over the next few weeks while maintaining the others.

2 teams were divided during play. The first team players, consisting players who have put their BEST in consistence training effort, attendance, teamwork and good discipline forms the first eleven. The rest, who are making GOOD effort together with the guests players formed the other. However, the first team were only allowed to score goals through long shootings, headings and set-plays. It was my regularity to see how they are progressing with my methods. Most of the previous goals were scored in the penalty box.

2-0 the first team won! Through a heading and a long range shot. Phew, it works! Many "outside" calls against the 1st team - intentionally! Am cultivating "cool heads" and "disciplines". Nigel, our chief defender didn't like it. The quote of the day belongs to him. Sounds like this when a free kick was awarded to the opposition just directly outside the box and he shouted openly "Guys, 1-2-3- lets move out when CK takes the freekick, OK?" Put in your comments guys. Nigel laughed after the game. The whole team laughed about it too.

Guessed who was my Man of the Match? It certainly goes to Wee Kiong - our NBA basketball player who was keeping goal after Cai Quan stops while we were conducting our fitness training. Hope he trains harder. I refused to let him play but relentlessly did in the 2nd half when one of the guest player was suffering from cramps. Zai, I like the way you put on that cheeky smile when you were carrying one of his legs off the pitch. I thought you might have "split" his "B...Ls".

On the other end, Wee Kiong has on several occasions been "neglected". His perseverance pays off! He finally let's his game do the talking. I was caught off guard with his excellent display between the posts. On one occasion, Wee Kiong made a point blank save!!!! It was first class especially with his "Out of Shape" frame. The whole team applauded, including me. How did he save that shot? I am still wondering.

Our "sexy tongue vein pot" Raymond, was putting into use the off-side trap. Amazing! I have been pushing Raymond to shed off his "Flabby" image. Keep it Up! Jason, the answers lies with yourself. You are a good guy. Keng Yong, thanks for being yourself. Tony and Fahmi, don't give Jason the chance to "come back". My flanks has given me a good headache with their good display. Hello Randy, no "Randy Orton" play ok? I have been reminding you. Keep your cool, this is not WWE. Opponent will anger you and try to get you out of the game when you are on yellow. Always remember, how we had lost the final when we had a player sent off? Think of "her" when you are losing your cool though I know you are still maintaining your innocence.

Shaun, keep it up, good crossings. Never waste oppotunities. Max, you have given me attacking options with your overlapping play. Others, don't be special till I am comfortable with your abilities. No complacency allowed.

Jia He, the birds still sings louder than you. Tim Loong, I like your "take off the specks before heading the ball style" never seen it before. Looks cute, not football. Ah Long, work on your speed. You are the team's match winner.

Cheers! Any plans to "sabotage" the birthday boys? Let's do it together.

 Monday, April 03, 2006 Go For The GOAL!!!
[ Staff ]

Team Manager:
Assistant Managers:
Jia He / Thit Lwin

(65) 9699 9992

[ Comments Welcome ]